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Cloves are obtained from the dried, unopened flower buds of the clove tree, Syzgium aromaticum. Cloves were discovered in the Maluku Islands of Indonesia. The plant was brought to Sri Lanka at some unknown period in history, maybe by Arab traders or European explorers, since Sri Lanka has always been an important spice trade route.

However, Sri Lankan cloves are highly valued owing to their high oil content. Those have been proven to be significantly higher than cloves from the majority of other countries.



Cloves are obtained from the dried, unopened flower buds of the clove tree, Syzgium aromaticum. Cloves were discovered in the Maluku Islands of Indonesia. The plant was brought to Sri Lanka at some unknown period in history, maybe by Arab traders or European explorers, since Sri Lanka has always been an important spice trade route.

However, Sri Lankan cloves are highly valued owing to their high oil content. Those have been proven to be significantly higher than cloves from the majority of other countries.

Making Use of Cloves

Dynamic Spize Cloves can be added whole or ground up to curry mixes, sweet and savoury snacks, pickles, sauces, and other meals to give them different flavours. Cloves and extracts are also commonly used in pharmacology, dentistry, and perfumery.

Benefits for Your Health

  • High in Antioxidants.
  • Highly Effective for Treating Nausea and Vomiting.
  • Treats Coughs and Freshens the Breath.
  • It Could Aid in the Treatment of Acne.


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